This semester I took a photography class at the Homeschool Learning Center taught by Trisha Bachelor. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot about the different aspects of exposure and composition.
Here are more pictures of some of my assignments.
This assignment was to take a picture of subject keeping the background in mind.
This picture shows a vanishing point (how the trees appear to get closer and closer together).

Above are four pictures of the same subject from four different angles.
The pictures above were taken by doing a spinning technique that you do by using a low shutter speed, turning the camera and zooming in at the same time. It took me a long time and over a hundred pictures to figure out how to do this technique!
This example of the spinning technique that turned out the best.
The picture above was supposed to show a mood such as sad, happy, scary, etc. When I took this picture, I was looking for more of a peaceful mood.
These pictures were supposed to be an example of the area of photography we were interested in. I took the first two on our trip to Kansas City. I was going for photography of nature, but my teacher thought that I should rather do real estate.
These pictures I took outside with a green scarf as the background, a glass with water in it, and a lemon. I put my camera on a tripod and set it on a timer so that it waited ten seconds then took three pictures in row. I used a fast shutter speed so that it stopped the action of the lemon. At first I dropped the lemon, but then Ellen helped me.
As the final assignment, I made a powerpoint on something I had learned. I chose to do mine on the different effects of shutter speed; but I was unable to put it in this post.