At about 8:30, Tuesday night we turned on our outside house lights to walk Grandma to her car after a delightful evening with her. It was already dark by the time, and I noticed how the lights shone on our redbud trees. The lights made a such beautiful effect on the blooming redbud trees that I ran inside and grabbed the camera. The lighting made the tiny buds shine against the dark background creating a lovely sight in the cool spring night. I enjoyed seeing what pictures I could get. Mom watched me and gave me some helpful ideas. I am not always in the picture taking mood, but I certainly enjoyed it the other night! Before I knew it, I had taken about sixty pictures!
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Backyard Beauties
Today Ellen and I were able to go outside and take pictures of our backyard (and front yard) trees and flowers. It is something that I love doing every year although I don't know if I would have today with out a little encouragement from Ellen.

The yellow tulips glowed in the radiant sunshine.
This is a great shot as Ginger rarely poses. (Ellen had to command her to sit down several times!)
I thought the crack in the tree bark looked really cool!
I praise the LORD for the beauty and simplicity that He has created for His glory and our enjoyment. There are so many varieties of colors, textures, and plants that he has made. I greatly admire and love the beauty of it all and am so thankful for the times I am able to enjoy and capture it.
"Great are the works of the LORD;
they are pondered by all who delight in them.
Glorious and majestic are his deeds,
and his righteousness endures forever."
Psalm 111:2-3
Sibblings' Day!
Mom saw on facebook that today is National Siblings' Day!
I love my sister! I would not laugh half as much or doing many of the things I do now without her! :-)
Sunday, April 3, 2016
I'm back!!
Hi! I am extremely sorry that I have not posted since the end of October! My life has been crazy and I have just not taken the time to post anything. In spite of that, I am going to post LTC (Leadership Training for Christ) pictures (upon request) and a couple songs that I have been thinking about lately.
This song talks about fear which fits this year's theme, and I had it stuck in my head throughout LTC weekend. I am trying to learn to surrender my fears to the Lord and let Him carry them.
Never Walk Alone:
Opening ceremony
Bible Bowl!
This year the theme was No Fear taken from the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. Ellen and I took the three round multiple choice quiz that covered those three books. (No, Dad didn't do it too. :-) )
Grandma was able to come with us!!! She was very kind and drilled us on Bible Bowl questions the entire way down to Kansas City. I don't know what we would have done without her!
My high school puppet group (I'm the girl with sandy brown hair in the middle.)
Ellen's middle school group
Ellen led "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus".
I led "God Bless You, Go with God".
In one of the adjoining hotels we found a piano that we could play. :-) (There was a waterfall in the background which covered up some of the sound so it didn't disturb what was going on.)
There were many smiles and laughs (and food!)
Small choruses:
Large Chorus
Ellen and I really enjoy being in large chorus and each being in small chorus.
The whole group!
I think I heard that there were about 40 kids from our church participating this year. It is such a wonderful opportunity to participate in this every year. I enjoy doing the group activities and spending time with other people from our church. I learn much from the books of the Bible we study each year (many of which I would not study otherwise) and the songs we sing. I am very thankful for all the people who put so much effort into helping us prepare for it and making it happen.
This song talks about fear which fits this year's theme, and I had it stuck in my head throughout LTC weekend. I am trying to learn to surrender my fears to the Lord and let Him carry them.
Never Walk Alone:
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