Last Friday the Cedar Waxwings were here! I always enjoy seeing these beautiful birds with their colorful markings and tall, slender bodies. They travel in groups from the South to the North where they breed each spring. They are attracted to our yard because of the berries on our Cotoneaster bushes. When I saw them on Friday, I jumped at the opportunity to photograph them, but within fifteen minutes they were gone! (I guess they thought our berries weren't ripe enough yet. :-) ) I still got a few good pictures, though which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Here is what I posted after I saw them for the very first time back in April 2009:
Last Thursday night we were pulling dead plants when Dad saw a group of (about twenty) birds up in the trees. We did not know what they were at first because we could not see there backs. On Saturday Dad showed me a picture I had taken and one of the birds that was looking down so we were able to identify them as Cedar Waxwings. The Cedar Waxwing migrates [through] some areas of Nebraska. My bird book says that they live here year round, but I rarely see them.
Please forgive my grammatical errors. :-)
I am so thankful that God created such lovely birds for us to see!
I am so thankful that God created such lovely birds for us to see!