Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hydrangea Pictures

     Yesterday Ellen and I were playing volleyball in the front yard; and as we both are novices (to say the least), the ball hit the hydrangea bush (among plants).  The sweetest little sprig was broken off, and I just couldn't let it go to waste.  So I took it inside and put it into a little vase with water.  This morning I walked past it and knew it was picture-worthy.  So I grabbed the camera and put on my creative photographic thinking cap.  I had so much fun with it!  It is such a sweet, simple little testament to the beauty of God's creation.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, 
I know that full well." 
Psalm 139:14

If you can't quite read it from the picture, this is an encouraging quote by Elizabeth Elliot that I came across on someone's blog over a year ago. 

"Whatever you want, it's going to cost you something...if you want God's will more than anything in the world it is going to mean endurance." 

It is so true, and I need to remind myself of that every single day. Often I know I want God's will for my life, knowing His way is always the best, but I struggle with the endurance part.  But He does not leave us alone to endure.  He gives us His strength to endure with us.  

Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Zoo

I'm a bit tardy in posting this, but I will anyway.  :-)

     Over a week ago, Mom and Dad's investment agent hosted a 20 year celebration of her company at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo.  Even though it was a hot evening we took Grandma and went to see the new African Grasslands exhibit.
     We rode a tram halfway down to one of the zoo's new buildings.  We got off to get some soda, and it started again without us!  But that gave us a chance to get a closer look at the new elephants and giraffes and take some pictures.

We walked the rest of the way down to the dinner area where we enjoyed delicious food and air conditioning.  :-)  
 We were able to pet an armadillo!  Dad got a picture of the snake, but I didn't want to see it!
 Waiting for the tram to take us through the zoo to the entrance
(Ellen insisted on me taking a picture of her hand. ) :-)
What a beautiful, exotic looking plant!
Tram pictures:

Selfies of course!
The tram driver said that is was very rare to see a leopard lying on the hill.  (Sorry about the fence!)
Hello, Mr. Turkey!
The prarie dogs are my favorite.  They live on the zoo property and have made themselves an exciting exhibit all on their own.  They were just everywhere!
And this time of year they also have babies!
Do you know how hard it is to snap a good picture of one of those fast little things when you are on a moving tram!
This one obviously didn't want company.  :-)
What beautiful peacock!
How nice a splash of cold water felt!
I couldn't resist getting a few pictures of some of the beautiful flowers during the last little bit up the hill.

Despite the heat, we all had an enjoyable time.  It was fun getting to see the new improvements at the zoo, and spend time together as a family (and have a nice dinner and take some photos.) :-)

Friday, June 24, 2016

Backyard Improvements

     Today Mom, Ellen, and I went to Grandma's house to help her transplant some hostas; however, Ellen and I ended up digging up and moving paving stones.  About 30 years ago, Grandma got them for free, thinking she could use them to make a patio; but she never has.  Instead, the pavers which once were sitting above ground have sunk into the ground overtime. 
    We decided that they would be an excellent boarder for the patio.
Mom calculated that there are roughly 130 paving stones in the boarder and plant stands.  
And there are still more!!  
In the end, it was hard work but an excellent start to landscaping Grandma's yard.  We made very good progress in only an hour and a half, and the backyard looks much better.  But we'll certainly be over again sometime to continue the project. 😊
A large nightcrawler was disturbed with one of the hostas; and, of course, Ellen had to take a selfie with it!

Sunday, June 19, 2016


Tonight is my first College World Series game this year!

This is my view of downtown Omaha from our seats.  Isn't it pretty with the sunlight!
I honestly don't pay much attention to the baseball itself. I usually clap when the team we're cheering for makes a good play, watch all of the people around, do things on my phone, or crochet.  😊 
But it is a fun family tradition just the same. Dad really enjoys it, and it is a nice thing to do with him on Fathers' Day.  And tonight is a beautiful evening to have it!  Our seats, starting around 6:30, are in the shade, and tonight there is a refreshing, steady breeze.  

P.S. (added later) We were cheering for Coastal Carolina University (partly because they are the underdog team, with this being their first year to make it to the CWS, and partly because Mom knows the mother and aunt of one of the players), and they won!.  :-) It was an exciting game!  

Happy Fathers' Day!

June 2015
January 2005
September 2011
August 2014
March 2015

     I am so thankful for my dad.  He is loving, selfless, considerate, patient, and hardworking.  He does things with us, waits in the car to pick us up from late night events, kills indoor insects when called upon, teaches me to drive, enjoys fishing and sports, and a hundred other things!  Thank you so much, Dad, for being such a wonderful father.  Love you!