Sunday, January 24, 2010

Felted Slippers

Two years ago my mom and I took a class on how to make felted slippers. I had gotten one done and started the other. In the middle of the second slipper I took a break and didn't work on them for over two years. Then last week I decided I would try and finish them. But I had forgotten what row I was on so I started the second slipper all over again. Once I finished knitting them we put them in the washer to felt. We washed them for ten minutes. After we washed them for five more minutes they were the right size. Then it took about two and a half days to dry. They are really warm.

This is what they looked like before we felted them.

This is how they looked after ten minutes.


  1. Great job Hannah!! Those slippers are so darling.

    Your friend,

  2. I love your slippers, Hannah!
    Mrs. Rothfuss
