Saturday, April 18, 2015

Spring Flowers and Photography Fun

After being gone for NCHEA, I noticed that our tulips had bloomed!  So Sunday afternoon when Mom, Ellen, and I were outside enjoying the warmth and sunshine, I decided to take some pictures.  
I love all of the colors God created and especially the pinks in the trees.  It's so fun to be out and around the city and see patches of pink redbuds or blooming crab trees!

 I got rather carried away with the spinning effect. :-)
(These pictures were from last week.  Now things look much different with the rain!)


  1. I LOVE the fourth pic! #Beautiful :)

  2. Oooh, love all the pics! The spinning effect is so neat! ~Savannah

  3. Oh my word! GREAT PICTURES!!!! We have Tulips just like those yellow ones you took pictures of on the side of our house! They are so pretty! :-) ~Sky

  4. That spinning effect is so neat, Hannah!
    We have some pretty white flowers close by our house! :-)
    Is that a finch in the picture with the bird?
    - Jaidyn

    1. I think that bird is either a finch or a sparrow. It had to crop the picture down so I'm thankful it still turned out!
      Thank you for commenting!

    2. Looks like a male House Sparrow to me. :)

  5. Hannah,
    They are wonderful pictures, and I see that you are using some of the things you learned in your photography class. Hope this cold stretch of lower temps does not damage the blossoms. Hope your mom is feeling better.
    Love to you all, Grandma and Grandpa

  6. I LOVE the picture with the bird! It is SO pretty! :-) ~Sky

  7. Thank you all for commenting!

    1. No problem! Commenting is fun! :-)
      I love it when people comment on my blog, too! It's so fun to know other people's opinions on you posts! :-) ~Skylar

    2. Um... I meant YOUR posts, not you posts. My bad! :-) ~Sky
