Monday, July 5, 2010

Swallowtail Caterpillars

We have eight Swallowtail Caterpillars. We give them dill to eat but, this morning we gave the bigger ones parsley because we are running out of dill. They were really hungry. :-) Four of the caterpillars from our friends down the street and the others we found on our dill.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Baby Cardigans

This cardigan I am going to enter in the fair.

I made this cardigan with some more of the yarn from my grandma. So I am going to donate it.

A Killdeer Nest

Now its sitting on the nest.

It acts like its wing is injured to get our attention. When we follow her she walks away from the nest and if we stop she acts like her wing is injured again.

The nest is on the ground in some mulch. You would think it is in a dangerous spot. But they blend into the mulch.

Sorry, I was going to have a video of them, but it didn't work.