Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Cardinal's Nest

     Dad found this nest at a house where he was working.  I have never seen a cardinal's nest before, and so I have really enjoyed seeing the pictures that Dad has taken.

The eggs look so lovely!

Garden Pictures


We have vegetables growing in our garden!  It has been so fun to water and look at how our plants are doing each day, but we have a lot of thinning to do.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Baby Boy Blanket

This blanket I crocheted for our friends at church who just had a sweet baby boy.  The boarder is one I hadn't tried before, but I really like the way it turned out!  Thanks Mrs. A for showing me this new boarder.

Baby Bunnies

      Dad found these baby bunnies in our backyard while he was mowing.  They are so small and sweet!


Ellen and I had been out in the backyard, and we didn't even see the nest.