Wednesday, April 23, 2014


     This year I was able to be an assistant leader in the Nebraska Christian Homeschool Educators Association kids conference on Friday and Saturday March 28-29th in Lincoln.  I went down on Thursday to prepare and meet my team members.  This was my third time participating in the conference, but the first time I was old enough to be an assistant leader.
     This year the theme was The Quest set in the Middle Ages.  I was on a team with three other leaders.  We lead a group of 12-13 kids ages four to seven primarily and one eleven-year-old.  Each team was the name of a castle, and my group was Castle Goodrich.
On Friday and Saturday, we had large group sessions with singing, learning a memory verse, and a live drama!  Then we had small group sessions where we'd play a drama review game, and then have a little lesson time.  I taught two lessons.  The first one was called The Heart of the Matter, on hiding God's word in our heart by memorizing itand the second was Grumble or Grateful?, on being grateful and focusing on our blessings.
It was a very fun weekend and a great learning experience!  I was very nervous about teaching; but, with the Lord's help, it went well.  The children were very sweet, and one of them I even knew!  I also love the singing and the drama!  I heard that there were over 300 kids who attended!
     I didn't take the camera so I don't have any pictures, but there are pictures on The Wissmann Family blog.  Hannah Wissmann was my team leader and her family were one of the first to start the kids conference. (The picture of my group is like the eleventh picture.)  NCHEA is always a highlight of my year!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Hannah,
    Just read your article on your teaching experiences at the homeschool conference. It was very well written and an encouragement to me. You have the heart of a servant, and your life and actions show it. Thanks for sharing this. Hope you get the opportunity to teach again. I think you are a natural. Love, Grandma
