Sunday, April 24, 2016

Nighttime Redbud Trees

   At about 8:30, Tuesday night we turned on our outside house lights to walk Grandma to her car after a delightful evening with her.  It was already dark by the time, and I noticed how the lights shone on our redbud trees.  The lights made a such beautiful effect on the blooming redbud trees that I ran inside and grabbed the camera.  The lighting made the tiny buds shine against the dark background creating a lovely sight in the cool spring night.  I enjoyed seeing what pictures I could get.  Mom watched me and gave me some helpful ideas.  I am not always in the picture taking mood, but I certainly enjoyed it the other night!  Before I knew it, I had taken about sixty pictures!


  1. Wow those are AMAZING! Those are really cool!!! I love the pictures!! Great job!!

  2. The pics are really beautiful! - Gracie

    1. Thank you, girls!!! I really appreciate your comments! You are so sweet!

  3. Woah!! Yes, I agree with Caroline, those pictures are amazing!!! God sure let you notice the beautiful lighting at the right time!! :)

  4. Oh my word!! Those are GORGEOUS!!! You're a really good photographer, Hannah!! ~Skylar
